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first aid

first aid courses for work

We never know when we might need to call upon a first-aider at work. But when we do, we’d all like to think that there would be someone trained to deliver the potentially life-saving treatment we, or our colleagues, might need. The reality of the situation is that many workplaces don’t have adequate processes in place to ensure first-aid is always on hand when it’s needed. Ultimately, poor, or no, first-aid training can and does cost lives. That’s why at SPP Solutions we provide a range of courses to suit your organisation.

first aid courses for work, first aid, Website Name
first aid courses for work, first aid, Website Name

how many first aiders are needed at my place of work

According to the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, employers must ensure that there are adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, facilities, and numbers of qualified first aiders in the workplace. But what is adequate and appropriate?…

what are the differnt types of first aid training

As you can imagine, ‘first-aid’ is a catch-all term for a plethora of forms of treating illness or injury. At the most basic end, first-aid training can address the treatment of minor bumps, bruises and cuts whilst at the other end, we have sophisticated, life-saving treatment. At SPP Solutions, we offer a range of first aid training to suit the needs of our trainees. The courses we offer are;

first aid courses for work, first aid, Website Name

who is the training for

This section is where we’re going to explain the entry requirements, what the course entitles you to do once completed. It’ll be a great way of getting in several links to our cluster topic content

People responsible for First Aid cover for Businesses of up to 50 employees in a High-risk environment.

  • Larger or complex risk businesses looking to increase FAW trained staff

  • Anyone requiring a regulated First Aid training qualification

  • Sports Professionals and Personal Trainers (including Football Association, Rugby, Sailing, Hockey)

  • Charities & Local Authorities

  • Children & Youth organisations

  • Builders & Construction

  • Beauty, Retail & Hospitality

  • Home Carers, Care Homes & Foster Carers needing a regulated qualification

  • Heath professionals

  • Schools

  • People responsible for First Aid cover for Businesses of up to 50 employees in a low risk environment.

  • Larger or complex risk businesses looking to increase support for qualified FAW staff

  • Anyone requiring a regulated First Aid training qualification

  • Sports Professionals and Personal Trainers (including Football Association, Rugby, Sailing, Hockey)

  • Charities & Local Authorities

  • Children & Youth organisations

  • Builders & Construction

  • Beauty, Retail & Hospitality

  • Home Carers, Care Homes & Foster Carers needing a regulated qualification

  • Heath professionals

  • Any member of the public in search of AED knowledge

  • Schools that wish purchase and have access to an AED on their premises

  • Sports Professionals and Personal Trainers (including Football Association, Rugby, Sailing, Hockey)

  • Charities & Local Authorities

  • Children & Youth organisations

  • Builders & Construction

  • Beauty, Retail & Hospitality

  • Home Carers, Care Homes & Foster Carers needing a regulated qualification

  • Health professionals

    • People responsible for First Aid cover for Businesses

    • People working in an environment that severe bleeding could be a risk

    • Larger or complex risk businesses looking to increase support for qualified FAW staff

    • Anyone requiring a regulated First Aid training qualification

    • Sports Professionals and Personal Trainers (including Football Association, Rugby, Sailing, Hockey)

    • Security and law enforcement





  • Anyone who has first-aid responsibility in the workplace

  • Teachers

  • Parents

  • Anyone who deals with those who may be prone to suffering with mental health issues - such as those in the emergency services and prison officers

first aid training courses guide